Learning Areas

At Strathmerton Primary we have four operating classrooms from Foundation to Year 6. 
In addition to those six classroom teachers, we have specialist staff who provide Art, Library, and PE classes each week. 
We also offer additional programs including SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support), Literacy Intervention, Speech Therapy and weekly sports’ coaching by Skillzone. 
The use of technology is an integral part of the teaching and learning process, with each classroom having a High Definition interactive screen, as well as a combination of laptop computers for students.
Our core purpose is to provide an inclusive, rigorous learning environment that challenges and engages young people to grow as life-long learners. The school seeks to develop motivated, creative and independent learners who demonstrate strong social values and whose leadership, resilience and self-esteem is evident when interacting with the community.

  • English

    We have a dedicated two-hour literacy block between 9:00 and 11:00am (most mornings), that focuses on developing reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. 
    We have a whole-school approach to literacy, with a common instructional model that includes a learning intention and success criteria, explicit teaching and independent practice. 
    Each classroom has a class library for students to choose books to read and they also have access to our school library for book borrowing and a library lesson each week.
    In addition, for those students needing extra assistance, we provide Reading Recovery sessions (Year 1 students) and Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Intervention sessions for other identified junior students. 

    We also provide speech therapy sessions for students with recognised speech difficulties.

  • Mathematics

    As for Literacy, we have a whole-school instructional model in place that focuses on a learning intention, success criteria, explicit teaching and independent practice. 
    Our program follows the Victorian Curriculum framework: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. 
    Each Maths session commences with NFA (Number Fluency Assessment) activities, to develop each child’s confidence in counting, place value and the four operations.

  • Quest

    Each term our whole school works on a common theme called a Quest Challenge. 
    Each term’s theme focuses on one of the following Learning Areas: Humanities (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship), Science or Technologies. 
    Students work individually and in teams to build their knowledge around the theme, through a series of planned activities. At the end of each term’s study, the students showcase their learning at a Quest Expo afternoon, to which parents and family are invited.

  • The Arts

    The activities presented in this curriculum domain include a Visual Arts program, which develops creativity by encouraging children to acquire and refine artistic skills and techniques, using a variety of mediums, while developing opinions of, and an appreciation for existing art.
    During Terms 2 and 3 each class has a Music session weekly with singing, movement and instrumental music, including practice for our annual School Performance that takes place at the end of term 3.

  • Physical Education

    The purpose of the PE program is to provide a foundation for life-long activity and preparation for an active, healthy lifestyle. 
    It incorporates athletics, gymnastics, dance, ball handling, fitness, swimming, and minor and major games. The program supports students to develop skills that will lead to participation in sports and leisure activities. 
    The emphasis is on building fundamental motor and ball handling skills and on developing acceptable sporting behaviour and positive attitudes.
    Our interschool athletics sports, cross country running competition and winter sport program of football, netball and softball compliment the skills learnt in the Phys Ed program and provide opportunities for Division and Regional representation. 
    An intensive 2 week swimming program is held each year in the swimming pool beside the school. We also engage the services of Skillzone in Cobram to provide each of our classes with a sports coaching session each week

  • Camps & Excursions / Incursions

    An opportunity is offered at all year levels for students to interact and formulate new friendships in an informal setting.  
    Our 2019 whole school camps program consists of:• P/1: ‘After school fun’ and BBQ• Gr 2: ‘Sleep over’ at school• Gr 3/4: 2 night/3 day camp - Lake Nillahcootie• Gr 5/6: 3 night/4 day camp - Urban Camp in Melbourne
    Each term we also plan a visiting performance for all students P-6, as well as an excursion for the whole school to a venue that ‘front loads’ student interest and understanding as we begin our new Quest theme.